31.07.13 - Ankündigung: 4. DZNE-Gladstone-Workshop im Mai 2014 in Bonn

4th DZNE/Gladstone Workshop

11-13 May 2014, Bonn, Germany
Cell and Organ Interactions in the Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

The Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease (GIND) and DZNE co-organize an annual workshop addressing the latest developments, controversies and most critical unresolved issues in areas of common interest.

Intercellular interactions are being increasingly recognised as essential for the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Protein spreading, synaptic modulation and receptor-ligand interaction among different cell types in the nervous system may promote disease progression. In addition, systemic processes such as peripheral infections and immune responses can markedly worsen neurological symptoms, particularly in elderly individuals.

The 4th DZNE/Gladstone workshop will focus on local as well as systemic molecular and cellular interactions relevant to the understanding of neuronal dysfunction and loss in neurodegenerative disorders.

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