Neuron illustration Neuron background illustration Neuron illustration

Neurodegenerative Dieseases

Understand and investigate the causes, develop novel strategies for prevention, treatment and care

  • Complex tissue culture under the microscope.

    “Prelude” to Neuromuscular Disease SMA May Offer Chances for Better Treatment

    SMA appears to be preceded by abnormalities in embryonic development that have not yet been recognized and could hold approaches for therapy.


  • What is the situation of early Alzheimer's diagnostics in Germany?

    Science and pharma join forces to scrutinize our healthcare system.


  • This symbolic picture shows blood samples.

    Scientists Unravel Life-saving Effect of Dexamethasone in COVID-19

    Study in “Cell”.


  • Symbolic image shows blood and urine samples.

    Blood Markers Detect Rare Forms of Dementia as well as the Neurological Diseases ALS and PSP

    Research with data from Germany and Spain opens up new options for diagnosis.


  • Portrait Frank Bradke

    Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science Honors Bonn Neurobiologist

    Frank Bradke receives the 50,000 Euro Academy Prize.


Science and more

  •  The picture shows State Secretary Pirscher in conversation with Dr. Marc Beyer on the PRECISE premises.

    Secretary of State Pirscher visits DZNE

    Among other things, she visited the clinical study unit and the PRECISE laboratories.


  • [Translate to Englisch:]

    Swarm Learning presented at HPE Discover 2024

    HPE President & CEO Antonio Neri talks about joint concept by HPE and DZNE.


  • Symbolic image.

    "The decision is incomprehensible": Statements of DZNE experts on the refusal of "Lecanemab" by European Medicines Agency


  • Symbolbild Nervenzelle

    European Medicines Agency recommends refusal of marketing authorization of novel Alzheimer’s drug

    Reason: benefits of „Lecanemab” do not outweigh the risks.


  • Symbolic image

    Grants for Bonn Researchers

    Two early-career scientists in Bonn have been awarded grants by the VolkswagenStiftung and the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND).


  • Topping-out ceremony for new home in Greifswald

    Shared use with other research institutes.


  • Long-term results of Dementia Care Management

    Video interview with DZNE scientist Bernhard Michalowsky.


  • [Translate to Englisch:]

    New Insights into the Risk of Heart Attack in Stroke Patients

    Study sheds light on the interaction of brain and heart.


  • Symbolic image.

    New Approach against FTD Tested in Lab Study

    Publication in “Science Translational Medicine”.


  • Joachim Schultze talks in the podcast "KI-Update" by heise online

    The Bonn-based researcher discusses the use of swarm learning in medical research - and beyond.



For our health and yours

Khadiga (32) and her mother Eva (58) are part of the Rhineland Study - the large-scale health study in Bonn, Germany.

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