Press releases

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Dementia research: 100,000 euros for transatlantic collaboration
Sabina Tahirovic, vom DZNE in München, und Susan Cotman, vom Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, erhalten den „Neurodegeneration Research Award“. Mit dem Preisgeld wollen sie Gemeinsamkeiten von Demenzerkrankungen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen erforschen. …
Researching Memory with mobile Apps
With the help of a free app everyone can now contribute to the research of cognition.
Prof. Frank Bradke
Roger de Spoelberch Prize goes to DZNE Neuroscientist
Frank Bradke to be awarded for research on neuronal regeneration.
Blood cells
Early Prediction of Alzheimer’s Progression in Blood
DZNE scientists show that a protein found in the blood can be used to precisely monitor disease progression of Alzheimer’s long before first clinical signs appear.
Europe looks to cells for a healthier future
EU supports the international LifeTime consortium in which the DZNE is involved.
Defective immune cells in the brain cause Alzheimer’s disease
DZNE scientists shed light on the reasons why the TREM2 gene is so important for brain health. Their study is published in the journal “Nature Neuroscience” and has important implications for the development of new drugs.
No evidence that Alzheimer’s disease might be contagious
Note on the paper by Silvia A. Purro et al. (Nature; 13 December, 2018)
Tablet, mobile phone, PC, monitor
Enriching fundamental research with digital innovation
DZNE and neotiv GmbH enter into a long-term collaboration
Computer scientists and medical researchers cooperate for patient data security
The Helmholtz Center for Information Security and the DZNE have now established the “Helmholtz Medical Security and Privacy Research Center”.
A Symposium on the Brain’s Compass
The sense of direction is one of the most important human abilities. From 27 to 29 November 2018, about 70 experts from Europe, Canada and the US will discuss in Magdeburg how this navigation system operates and how it alters in old age or due to dementia. …

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