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A pan-European study: signs of motor disorders can appear years before disease manifestation
It is known that signs of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease can appear years before the disease becomes manifest; these signs take the form of subtle changes in the brain and behavior of individuals affected. For the first time,…
DZNE Researcher Elected to the European Science Organization EMBO
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) has elected biochemist Frank Bradke of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) as one of its new members. According to the EMBO, 52 scientists joined the organization as new members this year…
DZNE and Charité work together: with joined forces against neurodegenerative diseases
The DZNE and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin are internationally leading institutions for research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Now, both have signed a cooperation agreement to seal their close scientific collaboration. The objective is to…
Experience Leads to the Growth of New Brain Cells
How do organisms evolve into individuals that are distinguished from others by their own personal brain structure and behavior? Scientists in Dresden, Berlin, Münster, and Saarbrücken have now taken a decisive step towards clarifying this question. Using mice as…
Ground breaking ceremony: Ministers Schulze and Wanka kick off construction of the new DZNE building 110 million Euro for neuroscience
A traditional ground breaking ceremony signaled the start of construction work on the new facility for the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) on the Venusberg in Bonn, on the grounds of the university clinic. With an area of nearly 16,000 square…
Transmission routes of spreading protein particles
In diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s endogenous proteins accumulate in the brain, eventually leading to the death of nerve cells. These deposits, which consist of abnormally formed proteins, are supposed to migrate between interconnected areas of the…
Misplaced molecules: new insights into the causes of dementia
A team of German and Belgian researchers has succeeded in gaining new insights into the causes of certain movement disorders and forms of dementia. Scientists including Bettina Schmid and Christian Haass from the DZNE in Munich and the LMU were able to reproduce…
Researchers find controlling element of Huntington’s disease
A three molecule complex may be a target for treating Huntington’s disease, a genetic disorder affecting the brain. This finding by an international research team including scientists from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn and the…
Researchers decipher modus operandi of potential Alzheimer’s drug
The chemical compound known as “methylene blue” is a potential candidate for treating Alzheimer’s, as it prevents the harmful clumping of so-called tau proteins typically associated with this disease. However, until now it was unknown why methylene blue had this…
Protein “filmed” while unfolding at atomic resolution
Goettingen, February 11th, 2013. When proteins get “out of shape”, the consequences can be fatal. They lose their function and in some cases form insoluble, toxic clumps that damage other cells and can cause severe diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.…

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