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Minister-President Reiner Haseloff inaugurates new DZNE building in Magdeburg
The new research building of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Magdeburg was inaugurated with a ceremonial opening this morning.
Two million Euros for Munich dementia researcher
DZNE scientist Dieter Edbauer has been awarded a “Consolidator Grant” worth approximately two million Euro by the European Research Council (ERC) to investigate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia.
Federal Cross of Merit for dementia researcher Christian Haass
This evening, Professor Christian Haass has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the Bavarian Minister of State for Education and Cultural Affairs, Science and Arts Dr. Ludwig Spaenle.
Recurring memory traces boost long-lasting memories
Recurring patterns of neuronal activity contribute to memory consolidation. Scientists of the DZNE and the University of Bonn are reporting these findings in the Journal of Neuroscience.
Demographic change - so what?! Challenges and solutions for improving health in an aging society
“The aging society is one of the greatest challenges society has to face in the future. One of the most important goals is the development of new translational research strategies with the aim to combat common diseases,”
Researchers identify new genetics risks for Alzheimer's disease
An international research consortium with the participation of the DZNE and the Bonn University Hospital has identified eleven previously unknown genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. The results have been published in the scientific journal Nature…
Researchers find another piece in Alzheimer’s puzzle
A team of German and American researchers has added another piece to the puzzle of what causes Alzheimer disease. They have found that a protein called “spastin” plays a previously unsuspected role: spastin is able to cut off the supply lines inside nerve cells,…
Fish, humans and neurons: 1.7 million Euros for young Dresden-based researcher
The biologist Caghan Kizil is to be granted approximately 1.7 million Euros over the next five years to develop his projects at the Dresden site of the DZNE. An international panel of experts approved his application for a “Helmholtz Young Investigators Group”…
Joint appointment by University of Cologne and DZNE strengthens neurological research in the Cologne/Bonn region
Professor Dirk Isbrandt has been appointed W3-Professor for Experimental Neurophysiology. His research focuses on the molecular causes and mechanisms leading to changes in brain activity in neurological diseases such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. With…
A Brake in the Head: German researchers gain new insights into the working of the brain
Scientists of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the DZNE have managed to acquire new insights into the functioning of a region in the brain that normally is involved in spatial orientation, but is damaged by the Alzheimer’s disease. They investigated…

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