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DZNE and Orion Corporation start strategic collaboration
DZNE and Orion Corporation have agreed to start a strategic collaboration. They want to identify novel drug targets and develop treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.
DZNE-research impacts German legislation
Scientific results of the DZNE-led study "Dementia Networks in Germany (DemNet-D)" were considered in a new German law to strengthen health care for people with dementia. This law enables statutory and private care insurance to support regional and…
Tübingen: DZNE Building for Brain Research opens under the auspices of Federal Research Minister Wanka, Science Minister Bauer and State Secretary Hofelich
High ranking representatives of politics and science inaugurated the new building for the DZNE on the grounds of the University Clinic Tübingen on January 27.
Parkinson’s Disease: New Insights into a Traveling Protein
A laboratory study indicates that the main protein involved in Parkinson’s disease pathology does not behave as a ‘prion’ when overexpressed. Researchers led by Prof. Donato Di Monte report on this in the journal “BRAIN”.
Magdeburg Brain Reseacher Emrah Düzel to coordinate the National Neuroimaging Network at the DZNE
So-called “Imaging techniques” are essential for understanding memory formation and cognition and the development of new therapies against brain diseases. The DZNE is now focusing its nationwide expertise in the field under the umbrella of the “National…
New insights into the molecular basis of memory
A DZNE study supports the hypothesis that memories are encoded with the help of chemical labels on the DNA. The findings are reported in „Nature Neuroscience“.
DZNE Scientist Gets Most Important Research Award in Germany
The molecular biologist Frank Bradke, group leader at the DZNE and professor for neurobiology at the University of Bonn, will be awarded the “Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize”, which is endowed with 2.5 million euros.
Science minister Hartmut Möllring inaugurates new MR-PET device
This morning, Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister of Science Hartmut Möllring inaugurated the new MR-PET device at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, site Magdeburg. The MR-PET device has opened up a whole new range of possibilities for dementia research and…
Laboratory study: Scientists from Cologne explore a new approach to prevent newborn epilepsies
Specific forms of epilepsy may manifest as early as in the first weeks of life. A new laboratory study shows that a preventive therapeutic strategy can be successful if it is applied within a time window critical to brain development.
Fighting Parkinson's disease
The neurologist Michela Deleidi was successful in her application for a “Helmholtz Young Investigators Group”, after going through a competitive selection procedure. She will receive approximately 1.25 million Euros over the next five years to develop her…

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