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06/19/15 - DZNE and Bonn International School organize a "Young Researchers Day" for dementia research
On the activity day for primary school pupils at the Bonn International School (BIS), the DZNE gave around 150 children their first taste of the work of a research institution.
DZNE Researchers find speedometer in the brain
Researchers in Bonn have identified neural circuits in the brains of mice that are pivotal for movement and navigation in space. These nerve cells that are presumed to exist in a similar form in humans, give the start signal for locomotion and also supply the…
Fruit fly studies shed light on adaptability of nerve cells
An international team of researchers at DZNE and Tokyo Tech have revealed in a collaborative study - published today in Neuron, that neurons in the eye change on the molecular level when they are exposed to prolonged light.
Germany’s one-of-a-kind concept aiming to improve the at home medical care for dementia patients delivers first results
Yesterday, the participating scientists from DZNE, the Institute for Community Medicine at the University of Greifswald’s Medical Faculty and family practitioners discussed the status of the study during a symposium held on the occasion of the successfully…
University of Wisconsin-Madison and DZNE Agree to Collaborate on Alzheimer’s, Dementia Research
Officials of both institutions today agreed to collaborate on research efforts with the potential to improve outcomes for patients with neurodegenerative disease and for individuals at increased risk for developing these diseases. The collaboration will also…
Regeneration in a hostile environment - Cancer drug promotes regeneration of damaged neurons.
DZNE researchers show in Science: Cancer drug epothilone promotes neuronal regeneration and improves motor skills after experimental spinal cord injury.
Dr. Sabine Helling-Moegen is the new Administrative Director of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Together with Professor Pierluigi Nicotera, Chairman of the Executive Board and Scientific Director, Helling-Moegen leads the research institute with more than 800 employees spread across nine sites in Germany. Dr. Helling-Moegen works in the administrative…
Brain Researchers Pinpoint Gateway to Human Memory
An international team led by researchers of the University of Magdeburg and the DZNE has successfully determined the location, where memories are generated with a level of precision never achieved before. To this end the scientists used a particularly accurate…
Alzheimer’s disease: Molecular signals cause brain cells to switch into a hectic state
Through experimental studies scientists of the DZNE at the Bonn and Berlin sites have now gained new insights into how Alzheimer’s interferes with the metabolism of astrocytes.
Diseases of the Brain: Computer Model of Nerve Cells Provides Insights into Communication Problems
In diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s, the neurons fail to communicate correctly with each other. As researchers of the DZNE now report in the journal “Neuron“, these connectivity problems can be ascribed to alterations in the structure of the nerve…

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