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The decorative image shows a network-like connection between the brain and the heart.
A weak heart makes a suffering brain
Evidence of Disturbed Gene Activity in the Brain as a Result of Heart Problems.
A microscopic view on microglia reveals disturbances in how these phagocytic cells, which belong to the brain’s immune system, cope with inhaled material.
„Fat Jam“ in the Cell
New insights into the rare brain disease “Niemann-Pick type C”.
Graphic representation of the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Has Multiple Faces
According to current studies, the COVID-19 disease which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus comprises at least five different variants. Researchers from the DZNE and the University of Bonn report on this in the scientific journal “Genome Medicine”. …
Visualisation for using the app.
DZNE and Aparito develop mobile app to assess ataxia symptoms at home
A new app will now allow people with ataxia to assess the severity of their disease at home. It is based on the well-known SARA score, which DZNE researchers have now been able to bring into use outside of clinics.
New European alliance formed to tackle urgent challenge of neurodegenerative diseases
The DZNE is a founding member of CURE-ND, a cluster of European research institutions that aim to jointly address the challenge of neurodegenerative diseases.
ERC signet
ERC Grant for DZNE Researcher
Michela Deleidi, a Parkinson’s researcher at the DZNE’s Tübingen site, has been awarded a “Consolidator Grant” of the European Research Council worth about two million euros.
Microscope image of a newborn nerve cell.
Radicals seem to be good for the brain
DZNE scientist report in the journal “Cell Stem Cell” that reactive oxygen molecules, also known as “free radicals”, are important for the brain’s ability to adapt – at least in mice.
Symbolic image of a neuron.
Three million dollars for Parkinson research at the DZNE
Studies on the “gut-brain axis”: Bonn and Tübingen receive 1.5 million US dollars each in funding
Artistic visualization of protein deposits in the vicinity of nerve cells
The Long Road to Dementia
In “Nature Neuroscience”, researchers from the DZNE and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research present new findings on the early development of Alzheimer's disease.
This image shows cells with artificial viruses that mimic SARS-CoV-2
Coronavirus: Study finds further door opener into the cell
Experts from the DZNE, Technical University of Munich, University of Helsinki and other research institutions have now identified neuropilin-1 as a factor that can facilitate SARS-CoV-2 entry into the cells’ interior. Their findings are published in “Science”. …

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