Areas of investigation/research focus

Around one third of Alzheimer’s disease cases worldwide are attributed to potentially modifiable risk factors, such as physical and cognitive inactivity (Livingston et al, Lancet, 2020). In light of this prospect, it is essential to conduct research programs that promote healthy aging and contribute to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.
Our mission is to understand and to enhance brain resilience to aging and Alzheimer's disease through a multimodal approach. We provide information on what everyone can do to age healthily!
From this goal, several important objectives arise that are central to our research work:
- to characterize vulnerability of brain systems to aging and brain pathology due to Alzheimer’s disease.
- to investigate protective lifestyle factors that prevent disease-related brain pathology and thus promote brain resilience.
- to establish early and effective intervention programs to enhance brain resilience and neuroplasticity in the aging brain.
Our research program (Figure 1) is based on a translational research perspective. We focus on three interactive topic areas.
- One focus examines the vulnerability of the aging brain using multimodal neuroimaging and physiological and neurocognitive biomarkers.
- A second focus examines neurobiological mechanisms and correlates underlying protective lifestyle factors.
- A third focus evaluates the feasibility and effectiveness of multimodal lifestyle interventions, such as dance-based movements, musical activity, and mindfulness in older adults with an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.
As a research team, we are dedicated to following themes:
to promote healthy aging
The promotion of healthy ageing is a priority aim in public health policies. To achieve this ultimate goal, we combine multi-disciplinary and translational research efforts, which aim 1. to identify mechanisms and determinants of “healthy” and “pathological” aging and 2. to translate this knowledge into new generation intervention programs in at-risk older adults.
to characterize brain resilience
Our research projects integrate state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques (vascular, structural, and functional), indicators of risk / protective lifestyle factors, and neuropsychological data. We exploit existing data platforms (e.g., ADNI, DELCODE) that provide multidimensional data in older populations across the Alzheimer’s disease continuum.
to translate research findings
We seek to develop innovative intervention approaches against Alzheimer’s disease through synergies in neurosciences, technology, arts and culture. Our approaches aim to translate basic neuroscientific findings from “Environmental Enrichment” studies to humans in order to activate the plasticity and regeneration of the brain in older age and in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease in a targeted and sustainable manner.
to collaborate and disseminate
Effective communication is the key to our scientific work. Through public activities, we directly inform older people about our research activities and raise awareness to participate in our ongoing research projects. We also contribute to the DD-Concept Scientific Area Network (SAN) “Processes of Ageing”, the European research consortium “Medit-Ageing” and collaborate with leading experts at the Faculty of Psychology (TU Dresden); the DZNE Magdeburg (Dr. Anne Maass); UCL, London (Prof. Natalie Marchant), INSERM, Caen (Prof. Gaël Chételat); McGill University, Montreal (Prof. Sylvia Villeneuve).