Study outpatient clinic for neurodegenerative diseases

The DZNE Tübingen, together with the study outpatient clinic of the Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases at the Center for Neurology and the research outpatient clinic of the Dementia Research Section of the University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, form the Study Outpatient Clinic for neurodegenerative diseases.

The main task of the unit is to implement and conduct clinical research, in particular the DZNE registry study DESCRIBE, and to support mono- and multicenter clinical and interventional studies of the DZNE.

The staff members of the unit are a multidisciplinary team of physicians, neuropsychologists and study assistants.


Prof. Dr. Inga Liepelt-Scarfone inga.liepelt(at) +49 7071 29-80424
Dr. Bettina Faust bettina.faust(at) +49 7071 29-87637
Fax   +49 7071 29-4490


Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)
Hoppe-Seyler-Straße 3
72076 Tübingen

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