Synaptic Connectivity and Neurodegeneration

Prof. Dr. Dr. Pierluigi Nicotera

Curriculum Vitae

1987 Consultant, Cardiology, University of Pavia, Medical School, Italy 
1986 PhD, Biochmical Toxicology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
1982 MD, University of Pavia, Medical School, Italy 
Major previous appointments
since 2009 Scientific Director & Chaiman of the Executive Board, DZNE, Bonn, Germany 
2002-2009 Director of the British Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit 
1995-2000 C4 Professor of Molecular Toxicology, University of Constance, Germany
1989-1994 Senior University Lecturer, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
1986-1989 Research assistant Professor, Department of Toxicology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Activities in the Scientific Community / Professional Memberships
Since 2014 Member of the World Dementia Council
Since 1997 Member of the Editorial Board of Neuron 
Honors and Awards
2016 Member of Leopoldina
2007 Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK
2005 Member of the Academia Europaea

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