Care Structures

Dr. Bernhard Holle

Research Focus

The research group "Care Structures" does research on care structures for people living with dementia and their caregivers. Regarding the term "structure," the research group understands the presence and interaction of different elements that can be relevant for the development of a specific care arrangement. This includes, among other things, professional care services, family networks, but also self-help and volunteer services as well as processes and conditions that shape these. It is the group's objective to scientifically analyze these structures and their interactions. In addition, the research group develops theoretical foundations as required to guide research and enable meaningful interpretation of data. These theoretical foundations promote the accuracy and feasibility of interventions.

In addition, the research group conducts process evaluations to explore how already developed and new care interventions can be implemented within existing structures.

The goal of the group's research projects is to provide knowledge and insights for the further development of care structures. To this end, the group conducts research in two overarching areas:

Stability of care arrangements for people living with dementia (SoCA-Dem)

The situation of family caregivers of people with dementia is challenging and complex, requiring a deeper and theoretically sound understanding to develop tailored interventions. Based on a meta-study, the research group has developed a middle-range theory on the stability of home care arrangements. This middle-range theory forms the theoretical basis for various studies in the area of family caregivers of people with dementia. These theory-driven projects relate, for example, to the development and evaluation of specific care concepts and networks (UplandCare, SABD-Fam or in-depth analyses of the situation of family caregivers of people with dementia (National Dementia Strategy 4.3.8, VeSpaRo, PreBeDem subproject "Relatives").

Dementia-Specific Long-Term Care (Nursing Homes)

The care of people living with dementia in nursing homes represents another research focus. This includes, for example, the development of competency profiles for professional caregivers in the care of people living with dementia (PeVA-Dem). The group also addresses questions of dementia-sensitive environmental design (G-EAT) as well as the investigation of policies for person-centered care in nursing homes (DemPol-Q). Another topic in this area is the investigation of the prevalence of delirium in nursing homes (DeliA).

Who we are

The Care Research Group at the DZNE site in Witten is a multidisciplinary team of scientists from various academic disciplines. Currently, nursing scientists, social scientists, and gerontologists contribute the specific theoretical and methodological perspectives of their academic disciplines to the joint research on care structures for people with dementia and their relatives, enabling a multifaceted, interdisciplinary view of the research subject. Many members of the group are also trained nursing professionals and benefit from their professional experience in care practice.


Ongoing studies


Deli-A - Delirium in geriatric care facilities

Delirium is linked with confusion, attention deficits and orientation difficulties. The acute onset within hours and days and the fluctuating course are key characteristics. At the DZNE, the prevalence of delirium and associated factors in nursing home residents in Germany will be determined as part of the consortium project "Delirium in Nursing Homes" (DeliA).


DemPol-Q - Dementia Policy Questionnaire

In nursing homes, policies and internal guidelines are relevant tools for the implementation of person-centred dementia care. The aim of this project is the further development of the Dementia Policy Questionnaire (DemPol-Q). The instrument aims to measure the existence of internal policies on person





PeVA-Dem - Development of a dementia-specific care-guided care model for stationary geriatric care in Germany 

The complexity of nursing and medical care in nursing homes requires innovative care models that ensure high-quality care for multimorbid residents. The aim of the project PeVA-Dem is the development of a dementia-specific, nurse-led care model for German nursing homes to improve the intra- and interprofessional care of residents with dementia in complex care situations.


PreBeDem - Prevention and treatment against dementia (Subproject 1) 

While there is a broad database in Germany that reflects the situation of people in need of care in general, there is still little information on the specific situation of people living with dementia and their informal carers. Under the umbrella of the BMBF project "Prevention and treatment against dementia" (PreBeDem) and in cooperation with the German Alzheimer Society we carried out a nationwide survey. The data collected allow to comprehensively describe dementia specific care arrangements, to identify factors influencing the creation of stable care arrangements and to develop recommendations for action for a need-driven further development of care structures and interventions for people living with dementia and their carers.


SABD-Fam - Process evaluation

In the SABD-Fam project, the interdisciplinary care concept of „Specialized outpatient care for people living with dementia and their families“ is being developed and implemented. The project uses a participative research design. The aim of the SABD-Fam intervention is to promote the stability of home-based care arrangements for people living with dementia on the long term. In this project, the DZNE Witten performs a process evaluation and will identify promoting and hindering factors for a successful implementation and generate initial findings with regard to its effectiveness. SABD-Fam is funded by the Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. as part of the National Dementia Strategy, the development and implementation of the intervention is done by the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.


SoCA - Stability of care arrangements for people living with dementia

Most people with dementia live at home and are supported by informal (family) carers. The creation of a stable care situation to be able to remain at home as long as possible is a central goal - for people living with dementia and their informal carers as well as from a health policy perspective. „Stability of care arrangements for people living with dementia“ (SoCA) is a long-term project line of the care structures working group at the DZNE Witten site. Based on a theory-building process, the SoCA project line researches the complex phenomenon of stability in numerous sub-projects and with a broad spectrum of methods and continuously integrates the research results into a growing body of knowledge. The long-term goal of the SoCA project line is to identify care structures and to develop care interventions that support people living with dementia and their informal carers in establishing and maintaining stable care arrangements in the long term.


UplandCare –Need-driven care networks for people living with dementia in rural areas

The health network PORT Willingen Diemelsee e. V. is conducting a model project funded under §45c SGB XI, which supports care-dependent people with and without dementia and their relatives in rural areas, stabilizing their home care arrangements. The project networks support services, offers individual case management, and raises community awareness about dementia. The scientific evaluation by DZNE Witten includes a process evaluation to describe the UplandCare project in the rural context and identify facilitating and inhibiting factors. In the first phase (2021-2022), goals and processes were visualized, and an evaluation design was developed. The second phase (2022-2024) involves data collection and analysis. The third phase (2025) includes the final analysis and reporting. The results aim to assess the project's core components and implementation, enabling transferability to other regions.


VeSpaRo - Reconciling care and work for relatives of people with dementia - opportunities and challenges in the area of conflict between competing private and professional roles

The combination of care responsibilities and employment presents challenges and opportunities for informal carers of people with dementia. The aim of the project VeSpaRo is the identification of gaps in research and support for working carers of people with dementia.



Completed studies


BeStaDem - Special stationary care for people with dementia in care facilities - an evaluation project

The aim of the BeStaDem project is to investigate which characteristics of Dementia Special Care Units (DSCU) in nursing homes contribute to achieving the desired care goals and under which conditions this is the case.



Bergmann, J. M., Hoffmann, A. L., Müller-Widmer, R., & Palm, R. (2023). Typology of Dementia-Specific Care Units: A Nationwide Survey Study in Germany. Innovation in Aging.

Hoffmann A. L., Bergmann JM, Mueller-Widmer R, Palm R. Dementia specific care structures in nursing homes—Study protocol of a telephone-based survey study in a nationwide random sample. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2021;n/a(n/a) doi:

Palm, R., Fahsold, A., Roes, M., & Holle, B. (2021). Context, mechanisms and outcomes of dementia special care units: An initial programme theory based on realist methodology. PloS one, 16(11), e0259496.

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