Implementation Science &
Person-Centered Dementia Care

Prof. Dr. Martina Roes

Research focus

  • Preferences of older people with care needs
  • Reviews
  • Implementationscience


  • QalifA – Qualitätsförderung in der Ambulanten Pflege
  • PELI-D I – Präferenzen des täglichen Lebens von alten Menschen
  • PELI-D-TP II – Präferenzen bezogen auf Freizeitaktivitäten von Menschen mit Pflegebedarf in der Tagespflege
  • PELI-D III (PrOMiEs) – Präferenzen bezogen auf die pflegerische Versorgung von Menschen mit einem Migrationshintergrund
  • BENi – Bewegungsförderung pflegebedürftiger Bewohner/innen Nachhaltig implementieren
  • Per-Dem II - Person-Zentrierung und Konzepte der Person im Kontext von Demenz
  • TRANSFER-DEM - Transfer evidenzbasierter Präventions- und Versorgungskonzepte in die Routineversorgung von Menschen mit Demenz
  • B-DEM: Beratungskonzepte und -strukturen für Menschen mit Demenz und deren soziales Umfeld mit besonderem Fokus auf die Beratung nach §7a SGB XI
  • Dementia Leaders


Publications (selection)


Peer-reviewed article

Manietta, C. Purwins, D., Pinkert, C., Fink, L., Rommerskirch-ManiettaM., Feige, M., Knecht, C., Roes, M. (2024). Dementia-friendly hospital – The perspective of professional dementia expert. Journal of Clinical Nursing

Hoffmann-Hoffrichter, A. L., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Bergmann, J. M., Roes, M. Holle, B. Palm, R. (2024). Describing the Status Quo of Person-Centred Dementia Care in Different Types of Care Units in German Nursing Homes: A Convergent Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances,

Serbser-Koal, J., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., & Roes, M. (2024). Person-centredness in dementia care: an integrative review of theoretical approaches. BMJ Open, 14:e085051. https://doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2024-085051

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Manietta, C., Hoffmann-Hoffrichter, A., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K. M., Roes, M. (2024) The PELI-D II Study: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Preferences for Leisure Activities Inventory (P-LAI) for Adult Day Services. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-14, doi:10.1080/07317115.20-24.2341110

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Bergmann, J. M., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K. M., Roes, M. (2023) Exploration of the content and structure of preferences for leisure activities of people receiving adult day services using concept mapping. The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnad142. Epub ahead of print. 

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Manietta, C., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K., & Roes, M. (2023). “This is slowly becoming my interest…”: The understanding of leisure and preferences for leisure activities of people receiving adult day services in Germany. Research on Aging, 46 (3-4), 210-227.

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Manietta, C., Hoffmann, A. L., Rohra, H., Gove, D., Alpers, B., Hung, L., Geary, C. R., Abbott, K. M., Ren, L. H., Oberfeld, S., Diaz, A., & Roes, M. (2023). Participatory development of a framework to actively involve people living with dementia and those from their social network, and healthcare professionals in conducting a systematic review: the DECIDE-SR protocol. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1).

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., Braunwarth, J. I., Quasdorf, T., & Roes, M. (2023). Mapping implementation strategies of evidence‐based interventions for three preselected phenomena in people with dementia—a scoping review. Implementation Science Communications, 4(104), 1-33.

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., & Roes, M. (2023). Counseling regarding the care of people with dementia with a focus on SGB XI in Germany: a "gray-shaded" scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res, 23(1), 358.

Quasdorf, T., Manietta, C., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Braunwarth, J. I., Roßmann, C., Roes, M. (2023). Implementation of interventions to maintain and promote the functional mobility of nursing home residents - a scoping review. BMC Geriatr. 26;23(1):600. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04213-5. 

Peters-Nehrenheim, V., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Roes, M., & Tezcan-Güntekin, H. (2022). Care preferences of older migrants and minority ethnic groups with various care needs: a protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open, 12(11).

Purwins, D., Serbser-Koal, J., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., & Roes, M. (2022). Person-centredness in dementia care: study protocol for an integrative review of theoretical approaches. BMJ Open, 12(12).

Manietta, C., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., & Roes, M. (2022). Consulting concepts and structures for people with dementia in Germany: a protocol for a ‘grey-shaded’ scoping review. BMJ Open, 12, e059771.

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K. M., & Roes, M. (2022). Instruments for assessing the preferences for everyday living of older people with various care needs across different care settings: an evidence map. Geriatric Nursing, 45, 18-28. 

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Braunwarth, J. I., Quasdorf, T., Manietta, C., Rodrigues-Recchia, D., Reuther, S., Rossmann, C., Acet, S., & Roes, M. (2021). Organizational Capacity Building in Nursing Facilities to Promote Resident Mobility: A Systematic Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 22(12), 2408-2424.

Rohra, H., Mann, J., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Roes, M., Kuliga, S., (2021) Wayfinding and Urban Design From the Perspective of People Living With Dementia – A Call for Participatory Research. Journal for Urban Design and Mental Health

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K., & Roes, M. (2021). Instruments for assessing the preferences for everyday living of older people with various care needs: protocol for an evidence map. BMJ Open, 11, 1-5.

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K., Rodrigues-Recchia, D., & Roes, M. (2021). Assessing preferences for leisure activities of people receiving adult day services: a study protocol for concept mapping and psychometric testing. BMJ Open, 11, 1-7.

Manietta, C., Quasdorf, T., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Braunwarth, J. I., Purwins, D., & Roes, M. (2021). Protocol for conducting scoping reviews to map implementation strategies in different care settings: focusing on evidence-based interventions for preselected phenomena in people with dementia. BMJ Open, 11.

Stacke, T. I., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., Bergmann, J. M., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., et al. (2021). Übersetzung und kultursensitive Anpassung des PELI (Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory) für den Einsatz in verschiedenen pflegerischen Settings. Pflege, 35 (1), 49-56

Rommerskirch-Manietta M., Roes, M., Palm, R., et al. (2021). Präferenzen des alltäglichen Lebens in der Pflegedokumentation – eine Dokumentenanalyse in verschiedenen pflegerischen Settings. Pflege, 34 (4)

Rommerskirch-Manietta M., Roes, M., Stacke, T. I., et al. (2021). Präferenzen von Menschen mit Pflegbedarf - Eine explorative Analyse von Pflegedokumentationen in verschiedenen Settings. HeilberufeScience, 12, 13-21

Manietta, C. Rommerskirch, M., Palm, R., Roes, M. (2020). Stay at (nursing) home! – Versorgungspotentiale erkennen & nutzen. Pflegewissenschaft, Corona Sonderausgabe

Stacke, T. I., Bergmann, J. M., Strobel, A. M., Mueller-Widmer, R., Purwins, D., Manietta, C.,Rommerskirch, M., et al. (2020). Preferences for everyday living inventory (PELI): study protocol for piloting a culture-sensitive and setting-specific translated instrument in German care settings (PELI-D). BMJ Open, 10(1):e030268.

Rommerskirch, M. (2018) Qualität der pflegerischen Dokumentation und Auswirkungen auf die pflegerische Praxis - ein integratives Review. HeilberufeScience, 9 (3-4), 86-95.

Non-peer reviewed articles

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Roes, M., Stacke, T. I., et al. Präferenzen von Menschen mit Pflegbedarf - Explorative Analyse von Pflegedokumentationen in diversen Settings. Pflege Zeitschrift, 7 (74), 57-60,2021.

Jagoda, F. A., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Gruber, E. M., Köbke, C., Hochmuth, A. (2021). Das stille Sterben – Gedenkplattform für an COVID – 19 verstorbene Health Professionals. Pflegen: Palliativ 

Gruber, E. M., Hochmuth, A., Köbke, C., Jagoda, F. A., Rommerskirch, M. (2019). „Auf die Ohren“ Podcasts zur Gestaltung des Theorie-Praxis-Transfers in der Pflege. Pflegen: Demenz, 7, 1-8.

Roes, M., Kelleter, H., Herfen, S., Rommerskirch, M. (2017). Die Qualität im Blick. Häusliche Pflege, 07, 34-37.

Reports (excerpt)

Quasdorf, T., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., Braunwarth, J. I., Rommerskirch-Manietta M., & Roes, M. (2023). Abschlussbericht TRANSFER-DEM. Witten: Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen.

Kelleter, H., Herfen, S., Roes, M., Rommerskirch, M. (2018). Abschlussbericht zur Qualitätsförderung in der Ambulanten Pflege – QalifA. Köln/Witten: Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln/Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen.

Oral presentations and posters

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Manietta, C., Hoffmann-Hoffrichter, A., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K. M., Roes, M. (2024). Tailoring leisure activity interventions in adult day services - Development of a preference instrument using cognitive interviews. Alzheimer’s Disease International, Poland: Krakow

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Bergmann, J. M., Manietta, C., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K. M., Roes, M. (2023). Active involvement of people receiving adult day services: Exploring the content and structure of preferences for leisure activities (PELI-D II). Alzheimer Europe, Finland: Helsinki

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K., & Roes, M. (2022). I’m my own Boss: a qualitative study with people receiving adult day services in Germany about their understanding of leisure and their preferences for leisure activities. British Geriatric Society. United Kingdom: London

Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Purwins, D., Van Haitsma, K., Abbott, K., & Roes, M. (2021). Instruments for assessing the preferences for everyday living of older people with various care needs: an evidence map. Gerontological Society of America 2021. Arizona: Phoenix.

Jagoda, F. A., Bleckmann, A., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Palm, R., Holle, B., Holle, D., Roes, M., (2019). Erkennen, erfassen, handeln – Potenziale für die Verbesserung der Versorgung von Menschen in der stationären Langzeitpflege. 10. Hochschultag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft. Hochschule Münster.

Books and book chapters

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