Dr. Saskia Kuliga


  • Entwicklung eines Forschungsprogramms zur Wegfindung, Orientierung und Raumerleben von Menschen mit Demenz
  • Forschung zur Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz, insbesondere im Kontext von Wegfindung und Architekturkognition
  • Methoden-Entwicklung um die Perspektive von Menschen mit Demenz abzubilden und in Planungsprozesse der Architektur/Stadtplanung zu integrieren


  • Plan:D - Demenzfreundliche Architektur, Stadträume und Lebensorte
  • Wayfinding and Architectural Cognition
  • INCLUDE - understanding and drawing attention to the perspective of people living with dementia regarding wayfinding and spatial orientation in urban environments


Kuliga, S., Berwig, M., & Roes, M. (2021). Wayfinding in people with Alzheimer’s disease: perspective taking and architectural cognition—a vision paper on future dementia care research opportunities. Sustainability, 13(3): https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031084

Rohra, H., Mann, J., Rommerskirch-Manietta, M., Roes, M., & Kuliga, S. (2021). Wayfinding and Urban Design From the Perspective of People Living With Dementia–A Call for Participatory Research. Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health, 7(4). https://www.urbandesignmentalhealth.com/journal-7-wayfinding.html

Kuliga, S. (2021). Demenzfreundliche Städte? Räumliche Orientierung als ein zentraler Baustein. pflegen: Demenz.https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.5555/pfd-61-2

books and book chapters

Charras, K., Hogervorst, E., Wallcook, S., Kuliga, S., Woods, B. (2025). Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia: Adressing inclusive Design from Homes and Cities, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. (Eds.) 

oral presentations and posters

Kuliga, S., Rohra, R., Teupen, S., Roes, M. (2022). Assumptions about Dementia: Perspectives from Environmental Planners and People Living with Dementia. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International, London/Online (Talk).

Kuliga, S., Teupen, S., Roes, M. (2021). Dementia-sensitive planning of urban environments: interviews with planners focused on perspective-taking 31st Alzheimer Europe conference, Online (Short Talk).

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