Implementation Science &
Person-Centered Dementia Care

Prof. Dr. Martina Roes

Research focus

  • AAL for people with dementia
  • Assistive technology in dementia care
  • Ethnographic research
  • Implementation processes


  • Dementia Leaders
  • DISTINCT - "Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology"


Publications (selection)


  • „Active Assisted Living“ Technologien in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz
  • Assistive Social Robots in Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz
  • Ethnographische Forschung
  • Implementationsforschung


  • Dementia Leaders
  • Mitforschen am DZNE Witten
  • DISTINCT - "Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology"



Felding, S.A., Rosenberg, L., Johansson, K., Teupen, S., Roes, M. 2024. The Woman with the Dog: Relationships between Pet Robots and Humans in a Danish Nursing Home for People with Dementia. Anthropology and Aging 45(1):20-35. DOI: 10.5195/aa.2022.485.

Felding, S.A., Koh, W.Q., Teupen, S., Budak K.B., Laporte Uribe F., Roes M. 2023. A Scoping Review Using the Almere Model to Understand Factors Facilitating and Hindering the Acceptance of Social Robots in Nursing Homes. International Journal of Social Robotics 15:1115–1153. DOI: 10.1007/s12369-023-01012-1.

Budak K.B., Laporte Uribe F., Meiland F., Felding S.A., Teupen S., Bergmann J.M., Mueller-Widmer R., Roes M. 2023. Implementing Active Assisted Living Technology in the Long-term Care of People Living With Dementia to Address Loneliness: European Survey. JMIR Aging 6:e45231. DOI: 10.2196/45231.

Budak K.B., Atefi, G., Hoel, V., Laporte Uribe F., Meiland F., Teupen, S., Felding S.A., Roes M. 2023. Can technology impact loneliness in dementia? A scoping review on the role of assistive technologies in delivering psychosocial interventions in long-term care, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 18(7):1107-1119. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2021.1984594.

Koh, W.Q., Felding, S.A., Budak, K.B., Toomey, E., Casey, D. 2021. Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of social robots for older adults and people with dementia: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics 21(1):351. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-021-02277-9.

Koh, W.Q., Felding, S.A., Toomey, E., Casey, D. 2021. Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of social robots for older adults and people with dementia: a scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews 10(1):49. DOI: 10.1186/s13643-021-01598-5.

Felding, S. A., & Schwennesen, N. 2021. Bag skærmen på en digital platform: Kunstfærdigt integrationsarbejde og nye samarbejdskonstellationer. Tidsskriftet Antropologi 82:19-35. DOI: 10.7146/ta.vi82.128898.

Felding, S. A., & Schwennesen, N. 2019. Når omsorgen udliciteres: En analyse af den konfliktfyldte omsorgs-trojka mellem mennesker med demens, pårørende og plejepersonale på et plejehjem i Danmark. Tidsskrift for Forskning I Sygdom Og Samfund 16(30):123-149. DOI: 10.7146/tfss.v15i30.114771.

Lex, S., Salamon, K.L., Granhøj, J., & Felding, S.A. 2018. Innovation: En introduktion. Tidsskriftet Antropologi 74:3-15. DOI: 10.7146/ta.v2016i74.104423.

Books and book chapters

Oral presentation and poster

Felding, Simone Anna. (2024, March 15). Playfulness and disruptions: pet robots and other animals in a Danish nursing home for people with dementia. EASA's Age and Generations Network Conference 2024: Kinning, Moving, and Growing in Later Life. Venice, Italy.

Felding, S.A., Teupen, S., & Roes, M. (2023, October 18). P40-02: Facilitating social robots and playfulness in a nursing home for people with dementia. 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference. Helsinki, Finland

Felding, S.A., Teupen, S., & Roes, M. (2023, October 18). P30-01: Results from DISTINCT and INDUCT. 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference. Helsinki, Finland

Budak, K. B.,  Felding, S. A., Laporte Uribe, F., Teupen, S., Peters-Nehrenheim, V., Roes, M. (2023, September 27). DISTINCT: Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology. Demenz-Mindset: Perspektiven von Pflegenden im Umgang mit Menschen mit Demenz [Poster]. DZNE Jahrestagung, Witten Germany.

Dröes R-M, Vermeer Y, Libert S, Felding, SA et al. (2023) P63: Best Practice Guidance on Human Interaction with Technology in Dementia Update June 2023 – Recommendations from the INDUCT and DISTINCT Networks [Poster]. International Psychogeriatrics35(S1):158-159. doi:10.1017/S1041610223002958

Felding, Simone Anna. (2023, May 31). Dyrerobotter på plejehjem: Hvordan kan de bruges i en travl hverdag? Social Robots and Sensory Stimulated Technologies. Dansk Teknologisk Institut and VIA University College, Odense, Denmark.

Felding, Simone Anna (2022, November 9-13). Caring for care robots in a nursing home for people with dementia as part of the AAGE-sponsored symposium Caring For Varied Aging Populations In Senior Housings And Facilities As Cultural Spaces sponsored by The Association for Anthropology, Gerontology, and the Life Course (AAGE). American Anthropological Association’s (AAA) Annual meeting, Seattle, USA.

Felding, Simone Anna (2022, July 26-29) The woman with the dog: Robots, ethnographer and care in a Danish nursing home for people with dementia as part of the panel Digital Transformations and Social Life, sponsored by the Future Anthropologies Network. The European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA) biennial conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Felding, Simone Anna (2022, May 30). The woman with the dog: weird relationships between pet robots and other critters. Cognitive Difference, Kinship and the State, seminar at VIVE, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Felding, S.A., Teupen, S., & Roes, M. (2022, 17-19 October). Pet robots in a Danish nursing home: an ethnographic study as part of the symposium: Main findings of the DISTINCT projects on technology to promote social health. 32nd Alzheimer Europe Conference. Bucharest, Romania

Felding, S.A., Koh, W.Q., Teupen, S., Budak, K.B., Laporte-Uribe, F. & Roes, M. (2021, 29 November-1 December). “At first, “At first, I thought it makes no sense. But then I began to like him” – Results from a scoping review on acceptance of social robots in nursing homes. 31st Alzheimer Europe Conference. Virtual, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Koh, W. Q., Felding, S. A., Budak, K. B., Toomey, E., & Casey, D. (2021, July 15-16). What are the barriers and facilitators affecting the implementation of social robots for older adults and people with dementia: A scoping review [Rapid oral-poster presentation]. 4th UK Implementation Science Conference. (Best rapid oral-poster presentation)

Koh, Wei Qi, Felding, Simone Anna, Casey, Dympna (2020, October 20-22) PO1.20 Understanding the Barriers and Facilitators Affecting the Implementation of Social Robots for Older Adults including People with Dementia: A Scoping Review [Poster]. 30th Alzheimer Europe Conference, Online.

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