Degeneration Controls and Relatives
Establishment of a Recruitment Pool of Potential Study Participants, of Realtives and a Control Group for DZNE Studies
Background and aims
Clinical studies are conducted at the DZNE's German sites in cooperation with university hospitals. One focus of these studies is the identification of early, specific changes, e. g. in the blood, so that the diagnosis of a neurodegenerative disease such as dementia or Parkinson's disease can be made at a very early stage. This enables a better understanding of the diseases and supports the development of new therapies.
In order to evaluate the study results of neurologically affected patients, comparative studies with the following groups of people are necessary:
- Relatives of neurologically affected patients with e.g. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), Progressive Supranuclear Paresis (PSP)
- Interested persons without diagnosis of a neurodegenerative disease
- Persons undergoing medical treatment with other complaints in one of the cooperating clinics
Course of the study
Prior to the study, the study physician will inform you about the examinations and coordinate the course of the study with you. In the course of the interview you will of course have the opportunity to ask questions.
After agreeing to participate in the study, proceed:
- a query about medical history and medications
- a 30-minute study on memory, concentration and mood
- an indicative neurological examination
- blood samples for the determination of bio-chemical and genetic markers
In addition, further examinations give us insights into the development of neurodegenerative diseases. For each of these examinations the consent can be given individually.
The examinations include:
- further examinations of cognitive performance (e. g. memory performance, action planning, word fluency)
- investigations on motor skills (e. g. gait analysis, physical activity, eye movements)
- magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (3T-MRI)
- consent to interview a person around you about your everyday behaviour
The examinations are usually carried out once a year and last 2-4 hours.
A full set of information about the study can be downloaded here (in German only): Flyer DANCER
Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Klockgether
Start of the study: 2015
Status: multi centric, ongoing, recruiting active
Study Coordination / Project Management
DZNE Clinical Research Platform