Implementation of measure 4.3.8 of the National Dementia Strategy

Project overview

Duration 2022-2024
Funding DZNE Witten
Project management Dr. Bernhard Holle
Project coordination and staff

Dr. Christiane Pinkert 

Kerstin Köhler


As part of the National Dementia Strategy, the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases DZNE (with the Witten site in charge), together with representatives of professional associations (German Society for Nursing Science, DEGAM, German Alzheimer Society) and with the support of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs (BMFSFJ), is working on measure 4.3.8 - Health services research in relation to relatives of people with dementia.

Project Aims

An edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of current research findings on relatives of people with dementia and describes examples of good practice.


A concept team consisting of scientists from the DZNE, representatives of the above-mentioned professional associations and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs was formed to work on the content of an edited volume and to identify scientists in Germany who could contribute to the topic with their research findings. In total, over 30 researchers from Germany were invited to contribute to the planned anthology with their research work.

Expected Results

The anthology will provide research findings on a wide range of issues relating to relatives of people with dementia. In 28 chapters, the challenges for relatives of people with dementia will be highlighted from different perspectives and scientifically based support services will be described. 

The volume will conclude with recommendations for action aimed at researchers and those working in care practice, as well as social and political decision-makers, with the aim of improving existing care services and improving the health of relatives.



Dr. Bernhard Holle
Group Leader
Stockumer Str. 12
+49 2302 926-241

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