Preferences regarding freetime activities for people with care needs in day care

Project Overview

Duration: 2020-2023
Funding: DZNE
Project lead: Prof. Dr. Martina Roes
Project coordination: Mike Rommerskirch-Manietta
Project staff:  Dr. Daniel Purwins


The organization and performance of freetime activities are associated with maintaining or improving health in people of advanced age. Conceptually, it is described that the choice of which activities are understood and carried out as freetime activities depends, among other things, on the respective individual preferences of the person. For people with care needs, the organization and active performance of freetime activities is often associated with barriers. These result, among other things, from the restrictions in everyday life associated with the need for care and consequently lead to people with care needs only participating in freetime activities to a limited extent. In addition, the use of professional care support, for example in the form of institutional services, can lead to further barriers in individual freetime activities. For example, offers relating to freetime activities that are not geared towards the preferences of people with care needs and therefore do not reflect their preferences appear to be a further aspect of why there is little or no participation by people with care needs.

The organization of freetime activities based on the preferences of people with care needs is also relevant in the day care setting. The aim of day care is to strengthen the daily structure of people with care needs who still live at home and sometimes make use of outpatient care services with the help of an offer geared towards social care. As a result, this should, for example, delay the need to move into long-term inpatient care. However, this has yet to be clearly demonstrated.

Various instruments exist for healthcare professionals to systematically record preferences regarding the freetime activities of people with care needs, focusing on different thematic priorities or care settings. However, there are currently no instruments with an explicit focus on the freetime activities of people with care needs in day care. As a result, it seems unknown what preferences exist with regard to freetime activities of people with care needs in day care, how these are categorized and prioritized by them and whether it is possible to collect preferences in the form of an instrument.

Aims of the project 

The aim of the planned research project is to identify and structure freetime activities of people with care needs in the setting of day care and to test them in the form of an instrument for systematic recording. For the time being, freetime activities are understood as activities in the context of day care and will be specified in the course of the project based on the perspective of people with care needs in day care.

In the first step of the planned research project, freetime activities of people with care needs are to be identified on the basis of a literature review. In the second step, the results from the literature will be used to carry out an empirical supplement with people with care needs in the day care setting and, following on from this, to categorize and prioritize the freetime activities identified. The categorization will then be used to either modify an instrument that was piloted as part of another project (Stacke et al. 2020) or to explore the development of an instrument with a focus on the preferences of freetime activities for the day care setting.

In the final step of the planned research project, the modified or developed instrument will be psychometrically tested.

In summary, this leads to the following research questions in the project:

  • "Which freetime activities of people with care needs are recorded by existing instruments for recording preferences of everyday life?"
  • "Which preferences are described, categorized and prioritized by people with care needs in day care with regard to freetime activities?"
  • "Is the instrument for recording preferences for freetime activities of people with care needs in day care reliable?"

Expected results and utility

The following results are expected:

  • the identification, categorization and prioritization of preferences for freetime activities from the perspective of people with care needs in the day care setting and
  • a psychometrically tested instrument for the systematic survey of preferences for freetime activities of people with care needs in day care settings.

The results can be used to enable professionals in day care to systematically identify preferences in the area of freetime activities for people with care needs. Based on this, person-centered offers for freetime activities in day care could be developed. For people with care needs, this would possibly go hand in hand with an increase in participation in the freetime activities on offer and thus lead to an increase in quality of life or satisfaction due to care being provided on the basis of preferences.

Futher information o the study on freetime aktivities in day care can be found here.


Mike Rommerskirch-Manietta
Research Associate
Stockumer Str. 12
+49 2302 926-242

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