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1585 results:
Inga Zerr 1001. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 1993 Medical degree, Medical School, Georg-August University of Göttingen 2001 Speciality qualification, Dept. of Neurology,…  
Ullrich Wüllner 1002. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2009 Board certified in sleep medicine 1998 Board certified neurologist 1989 MD/PhD student at the University of…  
Miranka Wirth, Dipl.-Psych. 1003. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2017 Habilitation in Psychology, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany 2007 Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Universität Bern, Bern,…  
Christine Wagner 1004. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Alzheimer’s Disease has a preclinical duration of many years before progressive neuronal changes give rise to clear-cut cognitive impairments, which can…  
Stefan Teipel 1005. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Our focus is on clinical dementia research. We aim to improve early diagnosis and treatment of dementia with special emphasis on Alzheimer's disease (AD), to…  
Alexander Storch 1006. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus The major field of interest of the Storch group is the characterization and treatment of non-motor symptoms in movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease…  
Alexander Storch 1007. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2001 Habilitation in Neurology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany 1994-1996 MD thesis, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany …  
Stefanie Schreiber 1008. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2018 apl Professorship, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg 2014 Habilitation (venia legendi “Neurology”), Otto-von-Guericke…  
Ludger Schöls 1009. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus The group focusses on translational research in neurogenetic diseases like cerebellar ataxias and hereditary spastic paraplegias. We aim to discover the genetic…  
Ludger Schöls 1010. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 1999-2003 Testinhalt 1993-1998 Testinhalt Major previous appointments since 2009 Testinhalt …  
Search results 1001 until 1010 of 1585

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