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1585 results:
1121. A tailor-made molecule that ties nerve connections  
Synthetic compound could serve as prototype for a novel class of drugs to treat neurological damage. Synthetic compound could serve as prototype for a novel class of drugs to treat neurological…  
1122. Sonja Teupen  
Sonja Teupen +49 2302 926-257 Methods in Health Care Research  
1123. Disorders in movement  
A European research alliance headed by the DZNE tracks the onset of ataxias. A European research alliance tracks the onset of ataxias Bonn/Germany, August 19th, 2020. “Spinocerebellar ataxias” are…  
1124. Epi-Fluorescence, Widefield Microscopes and Slide Scanner  
Epi-Fluorescence, Widefield Microscopes and Slide Scanner Our widefield microscopes are classical light microscopes with light source and beam paths optimized for fluorescence microscopy. Our…  
1125. Camin Dean  
Camin Dean +49 30 450-539033 Synaptic Dysfunction  
1126. Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopes  
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopes Spinning Disk microscopes contain a disk with multiple pinholes for confocal microscopy. The pinholes are arranged in such a way that spinning the disk will excite…  
1127. Two-Photon Microscopes  
Multi-Photon Microscopes Two- or Three-photon microscopy uses two (or three) photons in the infrared spectral range instead of one photon in the visible spectral range to excite fluorophores. Due to…  
1128. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopes  
Confocal Scanning Microscopes Confocal laser scanning microscopes have a pinhole in the image plane to block fluorescence light from out-of-focus layers. This results in a contrast rich image of a…  
1129. Microdissection Microscopes  
Microdissection Microscopes The microdissection technology uses a strong laser beam to cut areas of interest out of a tissue section and thereby allows contact- and contamination-free collection of…  
1130. Stereology Microscopes  
Stereology Microscopes Stereology is a method that utilizes random, systematic sampling to provide unbiased and quantitative data (i.e. on cell numbers stained by a marker). Stereology has helped to…  
Search results 1121 until 1130 of 1585

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