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1585 results:
641. Findings in the physical neurological examination as an indicator of Alzheimer's disease progression  
Findings in the physical neurological examination as an indicator of Alzheimer's disease progression Patients with cognitive disorders such as memory loss often also show conspicuities in the…  
642. PriSyn project makes medical data securely usable  
PriSyn project makes medical data securely usable Health data such as blood counts, genetic information or MRI findings of study participants play a crucial role in the development of modern…  
643. Biorepository  
Contact the DZNE Biorepository. Personal meeting with Biorepository staff to discuss the project and to explain the process of the Biorepository. Read and sign the service agreement and fill…  
644. Christian Haass awarded Hector Wissenschaftspreis 2022  
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Haass awarded Hector Wissenschaftspreis 2022 Christian Haass, professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and speaker of the DZNE site Munich, has received the…  
645. From passion for tinkering to world-class science  
From passion for tinkering to world-class science DZNE researcher Susanne Wegmann wants to decode the protein tau - the substance that plays a key role in Alzheimer's disease. The young…  
Christian Haass 646. Group members  
Group Members Title Name Position/Activities Contact Dr. Nicole Exner Scientific Associate, Assistant +49 89 4400-46550 …  
647. Best Paper Award 2022 by DZNE Foundation for Garyfallia Gouna  
Best Paper Award 2022 by DZNE Foundation for Garyfallia Gouna Last year, for the first time, the DZNE Foundation announced a prize for the best single scientific publication from the DZNE…  
Markus Zweckstetter 648. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus The three-dimensional structure of biomolecules determines their physiological function. Changes in three-dimensional structure and formation of aberrant…  
649. BaoBab  
BaoBab – a Helmholtz Innovation Lab BaoBab (Brain antibody-omics and B-cell Lab) was founded as a Helmholtz Innovation Lab (HIL) in 2020 and is affiliated to the German Center of Neurodegenerative…  
650. Anett Kirmeß  
Anett Kirmeß Secretary Aging, Cognition & Technology Research Group German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Leipziger Str. 44 39120 Magdeburg Germany …  
Search results 641 until 650 of 1585

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