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1585 results:
1171. Growing New Neurons: Learning from the Fish  
Growing New Neurons: Learning from the Fish In Alzheimer’s disease, nerve connection dwindle and neurons die off. On the long run, the human brain is unable to cope with this damage, which leads…  
1172. Prof. Jutta Gärtner awarded Hamburger Wissenschaftspreis 2019  
Prof. Jutta Gärtner awarded Hamburger Wissenschaftspreis 2019 Prof. Jutta Gärtner has received the Hamburger Wissenschaftspreis 2019 „Angeborene seltene Erkrankungen“ (Hamburg Science Prize 2019…  
1173. Memory Driven  
Memory Driven New approaches to fight Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases might arise from the analysis of big data, as it comes e. g. from genome research. However, this requires…  
1174. News  
News Here you can find the latest press releases of the DZNE.  
1175. Rapid analysis of large amounts of data in the fight against dementia  
For a project on artificial intelligence of the DZNE, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has granted around 1 million euros in funding. In addition to the DZNE, Harvard…  
1176. Communications  
Communications The Communications Department is the gateway for all media inquiries concerning our research. We support journalists in their search for stories, arrange interviews and filming at all…  
1177. Highly cited: DZNE experts among the most influential researchers  
Highly cited: DZNE experts among the most influential researchers Researchers who are frequently cited in scientific journals are regarded as influential, because a citation by peers testifies that…  
1178. Staying healthy into old age: Interview with Prof. Monique M. B. Breteler in the new DZG magazine  
Staying healthy into old age: Interview with Prof. Monique M. B. Breteler in the new DZG magazine The DZNE's Rheinland Studie is one of the world's largest health studies. This study analyzes which…  
1179. Artificial Intelligence Tracks down Leukemia  
DZNE scientists have been able to detect leukemia with the help of artificial intelligence. This was done in a proof-of-concept study. Largest metastudy to date on acute myeloid leukemia Joint Press…  
1180. QalifA  
Project Overview Duration: 2016 - 2017 Funding: Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln e.V. Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martina Roes …  
Search results 1171 until 1180 of 1585

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