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1585 results:
1241. Roger de Spoelberch Prize goes to DZNE Neuroscientist  
Frank Bradke to be awarded for research on neuronal regeneration. Frank Bradke to be awarded for research on neuronal regeneration Bonn/Geneva, January, 30th, 2019. Frank Bradke, a senior researcher…  
1242. Early Prediction of Alzheimer’s Progression in Blood  
DZNE scientists show that a protein found in the blood can be used to precisely monitor disease progression of Alzheimer’s long before first clinical signs appear. Joint press release  German…  
1243. Europe looks to cells for a healthier future  
EU supports the international LifeTime consortium in which the DZNE is involved. Bonn/Berlin/Paris, January 16th, 2019. Our body’s cells are constantly changing. But which of these changes are…  
1244. Gold certification for new DZNE building in Bonn: The first laboratory building receives the highest award in Germany  
The new DZNE building in Bonn is awarded the “Gold certification” of the "Sustainable Building Rating System for Federal Buildings" (BNB).  
1245. Highly cited  
DZNE Scientists Among the Most Highly Cited Researchers Several DZNE scientists are listed in “Highly Cited Researchers 2018” and can thus be considered to be among the most influential researchers…  
1246. Andreas Hermann  
Andreas Hermann +49 381 494-9541 Translational Neurodegeration  
1247. Defective immune cells in the brain cause Alzheimer’s disease  
DZNE scientists shed light on the reasons why the TREM2 gene is so important for brain health. Their study is published in the journal “Nature Neuroscience” and has important implications for the…  
1248. BeSt-for-FTD  
Project Overview Duration: 2015 – 2018 Funding: DZNE Witten Project Management and Coordination: JProf. Dr. Margareta Halek Project Staff: …  
1249. INDUCT  
Project Overview Duration: 2016 - 2020 Funding: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions/ Training Networks (European Commission) Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martina…  
1250. Archive  
Projects completed Here you find links to some of our projects already completed.   
Search results 1241 until 1250 of 1585

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