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1585 results:
1431. Early signs of Alzheimer’s detected in cerebrospinal fluid  
Little is known about the role of the brain‘s immune system in Alzheimer's disease. DZNE researchers have now found an early immune response in individuals with a genetic predisposition to…  
1432. Speed data for the brain’s navigation system  
DZNE researchers have identified a neural pathway that feeds speed information directly into the brain’s navigation system. They report on this in “Nature Neuroscience”. Study indicates how speed…  
1433. People with Parkinson’s show altered iron levels in their brains  
In people with Parkinson’s disease iron distributes in an unusual way over the brain. This is the result of a study by researchers of the DZNE Magdeburg. A special type of brain mapping reveals…  
1434. Tweaking the Immune Response Might be a Key to Combat Neurodegeneration  
Study suggests zebrafish might teach us how to tackle Alzheimer’s disease. Research group led by Caghan Kizil at the DZNE report on these findings in the journal “Cell Reports”. Study suggests…  
1435. ChemDiv, Torrey Pines Investment and DZNE Announce Research Collaboration  
DZNE, ChemDiv, Inc. and Torrey Pines Investment jointly announced today an agreement initiating a Research and Development collaboration targeting pathways and molecular mechanisms underlying…  
1436. Researchers activate repair program for nerve fibers  
Scientists of the DZNE have succeeded in releasing a molecular brake that prevents the regeneration of nerve connections. Researchers led by neurobiologist Frank Bradke report on these findings in…  
1437. Aberrant Tau Proteins Put Neuronal Networks to Sleep: Drug “Rolofylline” a Possible Antidote  
The report which is based on laboratory studies suggests that the drug “Rolofylline” could possibly alleviate learning and memory problems associated with aggregating Tau proteins. Bonn (Germany),…  
1438. United against Dementia among Children and Adults  
Learning from each other, joint research and as such make new therapies against childhood and senile dementia more tangible – this is what the DZNE and the NCL Foundation, now want to push ahead.…  
1439. Alzheimer’s: Cellular Mechanism Provides Explanation Model for Declining Memory Performance  
Loss of neuronal contacts impairs nerve cells that control activity of the hippocampus. Martin Fuhrmann and co-workers report on these findings in “Neuron”. Loss of neuronal contacts impairs nerve…  
1440. Federal President Gauck visits German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases  
Today Joachim Gauck and his partner Daniela Schadt informed themself about the diverse research at DZNE. Bonn, September 1st, 2016. Today, the Federal President Joachim Gauck visited the DZNE at the…  
Search results 1431 until 1440 of 1585

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