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1585 results:
841. Digital Science Communication Cafe  
Digital Coffee Chat with Kiara Friday The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin invites you to the Digital Science Communication Cafe. Get ready to hear exciting insights from scientists into…  
Jutta Gärtner 842. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus The clinical focus of Prof. Jutta Gärtner is pediatric neurology. Neurodegenerative Diseases in Childhood and Adolescence Leukoenzephalopathies Multiple…  
843. Prof. Schultze as guest in the MaML Podcast  
Prof. Schultze as guest in the MaML Podcast In the current 12th episode of the English-language "The Medicine & Machine Learning Podcast" (MaML Podcast), Prof. Joachim Schultze is a…  
Martin Reuter 844. Group members  
Gruppenmitglieder Title Name Position/Tätigkeiten Kontakt   Kersten Diers Research associate…  
845. International Conference on Participatory Research  
International Conference on Participatory Research Dementia is considered one of the major challenges of modern industrial society. Health innovations are urgently needed to prevent the onset of…  
Patrick Öckl 846. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2013-2021 Habilitation, University of Ulm 2008-2013 PhD thesis, University of Ulm 2001-2007 Diplom…  
847. Karin Danzer  
Karin Danzer +49 7315 0063-049 Mechanisms of Propagation  
848. Danzer  
Office Franziska Hegenauer +49 7315 0063-043   
849. BENi  
Projektübersicht Projektlaufzeit: 2020-2021 Projektfinanzierung: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Martina Roes…  
Donato Di Monte 850. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Deborah Brock Office Assistant …  
Search results 841 until 850 of 1585

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