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1585 results:
Monique M. B. Breteler 741. Publications  
eDEM-CONNECT Subproject DZNE site Witten The task of the DZNE Witten is to provide the domain knowledge to promote stability. For this purpose, a literature research and analysis of selected…  
743. Alzheimer doctoral scholarships by Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation  
Alzheimer doctoral scholarships by Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation Young researchers, take your chance and apply: The Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation announces doctoral scholarships for 2023.…  
744. iF DESIGN AWARD 2022  
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 The magazine SYNERGIE of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) has won the iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 in the category “Communication - Printed Publications”. The…  
745. Dementia: Combination of “Feelings” and Measurements Suggest Alzheimer’s in the Early Stage  
New evidence on subjective impairments in cognitive performance New evidence on subjective impairments in cognitive performance Cologne/Germany, May 12, 2022. Subjective memory disorders in…  
746. ALS Information Day in Bonn  
ALS Information Day in Bonn About 8,000 people in Germany suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and with them many families. At this year’s information day, which was organized for…  
Pierluigi Nicotera 747. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Christiane Bartling-Kirsch Technical Assistant +49 228…  
748. GridCAT  
The Grid Code Analysis Toolbox (GridCAT) Human fMRI studies examining the putative firing of grid cells (i.e., the grid code) suggest that this cellular mechanism supports not only spatial…  
749. Boundary Coding  
Boundary Coding We investigated the neural basis of allocentric boundary and goal direction coding using a combination of immersive virtual reality and high resolution functional imaging. To…  
750. BrainOwl  
BrainOwl The BrainOwl is a decoder developed for task fMRI in particular with the idea of identifying the most relevant groups of voxels involved in the decoding. That can help researchers…  
Search results 741 until 750 of 1585

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