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1585 results:
1411. "Türöffner-Tag" by WDR (Sendung mit der Maus) at the DZNE  
Yesterday the "Türöffner-Tag" 2017 by WDR (Sendung mit der Maus) took place. Various institutions opened their doors and showed their work to interested children. Bonn, October 04, 2017. Yesterday,…  
1412. Spinal cord injuries: Hormonal dysfunctions weaken the immune system  
DZNE researchers describe a novel pathway linking the nervous and immune systems. They report on this in „Nature Neuroscience“. Berlin, September 28th , 2017 – Injuries to the brain or spinal cord…  
1413. 8th Annual Conference of DZNE Witten  
This year's annual conference of DZNE Witten aims to highlight different care services, their structural potentials and limitations as well as the associated health policy management. Witten,…  
1414. When the brain‘s navigation system gets faulty  
In a review published in „Neuron“ DZNE scientist Thomas Wolbers describes how research on spatial navigation might help the diagnosis and therapy of dementia. Review on spatial navigation published…  
1415. Award for brain researcher Heiko Braak  
Heiko Braak, senior professor at Ulm University, will receive this year’s “Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize”, which is endowed with 60,000 Euros. The Piepenbrock Group and the DZNE thereby honor…  
1416. Intermittent fasting: not an anti-aging remedy for mice  
Does fasting slow down the aging process? At least in mice, anti-aging effects are limited. This is the conclusion of a study by DZNE researchers. Publication in “Nature Communications” Bonn/Munich…  
1417. DZNE heads research project on support for people with dementia  
The DZNE heads the research project “Supporting elderly people with cognitive impairment during and after hospital stays – Intersectoral Care Management, which funded by the Federal Ministry of…  
1418. Speeding up Alzheimer’s Research by Superfast Data Processing  
„Memory-Driven Computing“: At the “Discover Conference” in Las Vegas DZNE scientists presented first results of a collaboration with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Bonn/Germany - Las Vegas/Nevada, June…  
1419. Lab study shows: A protein called PERK may be a target for treating progressive supranuclear palsy  
DZNE scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism that may help in the search for effective treatments of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Their study focusses on a protein called…  
1420. Focusing On Gene Activity: Potential Biomarker Found. A New Approach Against Schizophrenia?  
Epigenetics may open new therapeutic avenues. DZNE scientists report on this in the journal PNAS. Study shows potential of monitoring and inhibiting HDAC proteins Joint press release of the the DZNE…  
Search results 1411 until 1420 of 1585

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