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1585 results:
1471. Diseases of the Brain: Computer Model of Nerve Cells Provides Insights into Communication Problems  
In diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s, the neurons fail to communicate correctly with each other. As researchers of the DZNE now report in the journal “Neuron“, these connectivity problems…  
1472. From California to Berlin: international neuroscientist Craig Garner strengthens the collaboration of DZNE and Charité  
Prof. Craig Garner, jointly appointed by both institutions, studies dementia, with a particular focus on synapses. His aim is to develop therapies that restore disturbed communication between brain…  
1473. Physical exercise in old age can stimulate brain fitness, but effect decreases with advancing age  
Physical exercise in old age can improve brain perfusion as well as certain memory skills. This is the finding of Magdeburg neuroscientists who studied women and men aged between 60 and…  
1474. DZNE researcher elected into the Leopoldina  
Prof. Frank Bradke , head of the "Axon Growth and Regeneration" research group at the DZNE in Bonn, has been elected as a member of the Leopoldina, the German National Academy of…  
1475. Symbolic corner stone was laid by the DZNE: National Health Research in Bonn  
One of the largest and most advanced research buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia is currently being erected in Bonn. It comprises approximately 16,000 square meters of usable area. Bonn,…  
1476. A protein couple controls flow of information into the brain’s memory center  
DZNE researchers have determined how two molecules known as ‘CKAMP44’ and ‘TARP Gamma-8’ act upon the transmission of nerve signals into the hippocampus. New findings on the link between nerve cells…  
1477. Smart Software Supports Outpatient Services for People with Dementia  
Living at home as long as possible is a wish expressed by many people with dementia. To enable this, researchers of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) have developed a…  
1478. Parkinson‘s disease: genetic defect triggers multiple damages in neurons  
Researchers find dysfunctions in calcium metabolism and in the cell’s “garbage disposal”. Their study shows a link between alterations in the so-called GBA1 gene and cellular dysfunctions in…  
1479. Five-Year Anniversary of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases: NRW-Science Minister Svenja Schulze and BMBF State Secretary Thomas Rachel open ceremonial act  
Today, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) celebrates its five-year anniversary with a gala event. A public Science Day will follow tomorrow morning. Bonn, May,…  
1480. DZNE invites visitors to a Family Science Day on May 10th  
Bonn, May 2nd, 2014. How can I keep my brain fit? How is the brain ageing? How do nerve cells communicate? What is a brain researcher actually doing? – Guests can ask our scientists these and…  
Search results 1471 until 1480 of 1585

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