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1585 results:
951. MTA and CDA  
MTA and CDA For the exchange of material and information, all entities involved should clarify and settle their rights and obligations. For this, the conclusion of Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)…  
952. DZNE Witten’s 9th annual conference: Dementia – Change in Care and Research  
DZNE Witten’s 9th annual conference: Dementia – Change in Care and Research DZNE Witten’s 9th annual conference – in cooperation with the German Alzheimer Society – took place on the 2nd of October…  
Stefan Remy 953. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Nancy El Deiry Office Assistant +49…  
954. DZNE Alzheimer's study: A Mediterranean diet might protect against memory loss and dementia  
This diet which contains fish, vegetables and olive oil, may slow brain aging. Bonn (Germany), May 5th, 2021. Alzheimer's disease is caused by protein deposits in the brain and the rapid loss of…  
955. Leibniz-Prize 2016  
Paraplegia: In Germany, there are about 1,500 new cases of paraplegia every year, and worldwide there are several hundred thousand [1]. The causes are mostly accidents (traffic, sports and others)…  
956. Leibniz-Prize 2018  
Four Questions for Prof. Eicke Latz – Holder of the 2018 Leibniz Prize On 19 March 2018, eleven researchers received the DFG's (German Research Foundation's) Leibniz Prize. One of them is Prof.…  
957. Brain-Prize 2018  
Getting closer to solving the riddle of Alzheimer's Christian Haass, speaker of the DZNE's Munich site, and a professor at LMU Munich, is a pioneering researcher in the area of Alzheimer's…  
Ullrich Wüllner 958. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Background and Significance Rapid advancement has been made in the field of epigenetics (1). In addition to genetic and proteomic studies, assessment of global…  
Wolfgang Wurst 959. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 1983-1988 PhD thesis (s. c. l.), Univ. of Göttingen / MPI of Immunobiology (Freiburg) 1975-1983 State…  
Donato Di Monte 960. Research areas/focus  
Research areas/focus The long-standing focus of our research team has been on mechanisms of neurodegeneration and alpha-synuclein toxicity in Parkinson’s disease (PD). We have developed and…  
Search results 951 until 960 of 1585

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