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1585 results:
Anja Schneider 1011. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Julia Lindlar Technical assistant Dr. Anna…  
Anja Schneider 1012. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2011 Venia legendi, University of Göttingen 2011 Board certification Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 2003 MD thesis,…  
Hemmen Sabir (Kopie 1) 1013. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus The aim of our work is studying mechanisms of perinatal brain injury and establishing neuroprotective strategies. We use different methods as long-term…  
Hemmen Sabir (Kopie 1) 1014. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2017 Habilitation in Pediatrics, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf 2007 MD thesis (Dr. med.) and degree, Johannes-Gutenberg…  
Josef Priller 1015. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable conditions that result in neuronal dysfunction and cell death. The immune system plays an important role in central…  
Josef Priller 1016. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2004 Universitätsprofessur, Charité and Humboldt-University Berlin 2002 Habilitation, Charité and Humboldt-University Berlin …  
Oliver Peters 1017. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2014 Habilitation, venia legendi, title of thesis: “Biomarkerdiagnostik und Behandlung der Alzheimer Erkrankung im Frühstadium …  
Oliver Peters 1018. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Our group puts its focus on biomarker-assisted, in particular Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We are especially interested in cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers. We have…  
Andrea Kühn 1019. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Lille Kurvits Study Doctor    
Andrea Kühn 1020. Research areas/focus  
Areas of investigation/research focus Prof. Dr. Andrea Kühn is professor for neurology since 2007 and head of the movement disorders and neuromodulation unit at the dept. of Neurology at the…  
Search results 1011 until 1020 of 1585

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