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1585 results:
1221. Ninjas, Netflix, Neuroscience  
Ninjas, Netflix, Neuroscience Lars Dittrich, Postdoc at AG Jackson, had a guest appearance at the Netflix show "Bill Nye saves the world". In the video he tells us how he came to Hollywood…  
1222. How fish brain cells react to Alzheimer’s disease  
DZNE researchers have studied the regenerative capacity of zebrafish brain in single cell resolution with the aim of developing novel strategies against Alzheimer’s. Their findings are published in…  
1223. How the body protects itself from type 2 diabetes  
Researchers at the DZNE and the University of Bonn discover a key role of the protein HPGD Researchers at the DZNE and the University of Bonn discover a key role of the protein HPGD Bonn (Germany),…  
1224. High-ranking visit: Two politicians visited the DZNE in Magdeburg on 7 March in a row.  
High-ranking visit: Two politicians visited the DZNE in Magdeburg on 7 March in a row. Holger Stahlknecht, Interior Minister of the State of Saxony-Anhalt and since November 2018 Chairman of the CDU…  
1225. Project start in Witten: Improving the sleep of people with dementia  
Project start in Witten: Improving the sleep of people with dementia In a joint project, in which the DZNE site in Witten is involved, research is being carried out until March 2021 into how sleep…  
1226. Municipal support for the DZNE information campaign for brain research in Magdeburg  
The DZNE in Magdeburg is launching a city-wide information campaign. Magdeburg (Germany), April 16th, 2019. The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Magdeburg is launching a…  
1227. Together against dementia: 10 years of DZNE  
The DZNE celebrated its tenth anniversary with a ceremonial act. Bonn (Germany), April, 5th, 2019. The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is celebrating its tenth anniversary today…  
1228. Anne Maass  
Anne Maass +49 391 67-24620 Multimodal Neuroimaging  
Anne Maass 1229. Maass  
1230. Stefanie Schreiber  
Stefanie Schreiber +49 391 67-15001 Mixed cerebral pathologies and cognitive aging  
Search results 1221 until 1230 of 1585

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