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1585 results:
1201. Exper-Dem-DNQP  
Project Overview Duration: 2015 - 2017 Funding/Collaboration: Deutsches Netzwerk für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege (DNQP) Hochschule Osnabrück Project…  
1202. DESKK  
DESKK Dementia Specific Respite Care Concept Background The majority of people with dementia are cared by family members in the home environment. As a direct consequence of dementia-specific…  
1203. ENSURE  
Project Overview Duration: 2016 - 2019 Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martina Roes …  
1204. DemenzMonitor  
Project Overview Duration: 2010 - 2017 Funding: DZNE Witten Project Management: Dr. Bernhard Holle Project Coordination: Dr. Rebecca Palm …  
1205. Prof. Thomas Gasser is a member of the Leopoldina academy  
Prof. Thomas Gasser is new member of the Leopoldina Thomas Gasser, head of clinical research at the DZNE in Tübingen and former site speaker, was recently accepted as a new academician of the German…  
1206. Report from the 69th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau  
Report from the 69th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau Jolanda Schwarz, PhD student in the MR Physics group, took part in the Nobel Laureate meeting in Lindau and reported on her experience: It was…  
1207. Bonn Researchers Identify Key Proteins for the Repair of Nerve Fibers  
Scientists at the DZNE have identified a group of proteins that help to regenerate damaged nerve cells. Their findings are reported in the journal “Neuron”. Bonn/Germany, August 7th, 2019. Scientists…  
1208. Interview with Anne Maass:" We have a huge potential as a neuroimaging site".  
Interview with Anne Maass: "We have a huge potential as a neuroimaging site". Anne Maass is the first junior research group leader at the DZNE site in Magdeburg. In March, she started to build up…  
1209. Natalia Rodriguez-Muela  
Natalia Rodriguez-Muela Selective Neuronal Vulnerability in Neurodegenerative Diseases  
1210. Parkinson’s: A New Study Associates Oxidative Stress With the Spreading of Aberrant Proteins  
Oxidative stress could be a driving force in the spreading of aberrant proteins involved in Parkinson’s disease. This is the result of recent studies by DZNE researchers. Bonn/Germany, July 17,…  
Search results 1201 until 1210 of 1585

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