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1585 results:
1191. A Protein that Pulls the Brake on Nerve Growth  
DZNE scientists have identified a protein that regulates the growth of nerve fibers by pulling a brake. Bonn/Germany, October 31, 2019. During embryonic development, nerve cells form thin, long…  
1192. Award for Groundbreaking Research on Alzheimer’s Disease  
The Munich biochemist Christian Haass has received the “Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize” endowed with 60,000 euros. Bonn, October 1, 2019. The Munich biochemist Christian Haass has received the…  
1193. Per-Dem  
Project Overview Duration: 2014 - 2019 Funding: DZNE Witten Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Martina Roes Project coordination: Jonathan…  
1194. Elsevier Report: DZNE Among the World’s Top 10 in Alzheimer’s Disease Research  
According to an international study, the DZNE is one of the leading research institutions on Alzheimer’s disease in terms of publication count, citation rate, and collaborations with partners from…  
1195. Für ein Leben ohne Demenz: Neue Stiftung Deutsche Demenzhilfe treibt Fortschritt in der Forschung voran  
Aufgabe der Stiftung ist es, Spenden einzuwerben, um die Demenzforschung und die Suche nach geeigneten Therapien am DZNE voranzutreiben. Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Deutschen Zentrums für…  
1196. Autoantibodies in Pregnancy: A Cause of Behavioral Disorders in the Child?  
Dysfunctions in the maternal immune system that occur during pregnancy could possibly lead to impaired brain development in the unborn child. This is suggested by studies by the DZNE. Joint Press…  
1197. Science for the Public  
Science for the Public The annual science festival of the BMBF and the German Physical Society – termed „Highlights of Physics“– will be coming to Bonn this year on Sept. 16 – 21th, with the…  
1198. A Protective Factor Against Alzheimer’s Disease?  
Researchers at the DZNE have found that a protein called TREM2 could positively influence the course of Alzheimer’s. Munich/Germany, August 29, 2019. Researchers at the German Center for…  
1199. REDEZEIT  
REDEZEIT Project Overview Duration:    2015 – 2017 Funding: University Leipzig GKV-Spitzenverband Principal investigator: JProf. Dr.…  
1200. insideDEM  
Project Overview Duration: 2015 - 2018 Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Initiative „Pflegeinnovationen für Menschen mit Demenz“…  
Search results 1191 until 1200 of 1585

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