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1585 results:
21. Huntington's disease  
More than just the movement disorder "St. Vitus' dance" Huntington's chorea, also called “Huntington’s disease” or "Morbus Huntington", is a dominantly inherited disorder of the brain. It was named…  
22. Frontotemporal dementia  
Altered personality and conspicuous social behavior Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a rare form of rapidly progressive dementia. It is estimated that, together with Alzheimer's, it accounts for the…  
23. Ataxia  
When movements become disordered The term "ataxia" is derived from the Greek word "a-taxia" meaning "a lack of order". Ataxia is the name for a number of rare disorders of the brain and spinal cord…  
24. Alzheimer's disease  
Slipping into forgetting According to projections, there are currently around 1.8 million people living with dementia in Germany – and numbers are rising. The majority of them are affected by…  
25. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  
When movement dies Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that affects a very specific group of neurons: the neurons for voluntary motor function, also known as motor…  
26. TREM2  
TREM2: A booster against Alzheimer's? A protein may hold potential starting points for a therapy against Alzheimer's disease. The current finding is that the higher the TREM2 level, the better the…  
27. Tau  
Tau: When a protein paralyzes the flow of information In Alzheimer's patients, the protein tau gets out of control. Deposits form in the nerve cells, blocking the exchange of information and…  
28. ApoE  
The number one Alzheimer's risk factor The protein ApoE4 is considered the most important genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. One of the central questions in Alzheimer's research is…  
29. Amyloid  
Amyloid: the trigger of a lethal cascade leading to nerve cell death In Alzheimer's patients, clumps of amyloid form in the brain long before the first symptoms appear. They play a central role in…  
30. Clinical Research  
To ensure that your request is processed smoothly and that your needs and our requirements for the targeted handling of your request are met in the best possible way, our consulting team is at your…  
Search results 21 until 30 of 1585

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