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1585 results:
Sonja Teupen 201. Christiane Pinkert  
Pinkert, C.; Köhler, K.; von Kutzleben, M.; Hochgraeber, I.; Cavazzini, C.; Völz, S.; Palm, R.; Holle, B. (2019). Social inclusion of people with dementia–an integrative review of theoretical…  
Sonja Teupen 202. Bernd Albers  
Journals Purwins D, Fahsold A, Quasdorf T, Berthold H, Klas T, Albers B, Seidel K, Haberstroh J, Holle B: Implementation of dementia care management in routine care (RoutineDeCM): a study protocol…  
Sonja Teupen 203. René Müller-Widmer  
Research focus Central management of research data at the site of Witten Quality management Data documentation Long-term archiving Consultation and training Projects …  
Sonja Teupen 204. Johannes Bergmann  
Bergmann, J. M.; Hoffmann, A.-L.; Müller-Widmer, R. & Palm, R. (2021): Typologieentwicklung mit demenzspezifischem Schwerpunkt – eine deutschlandweite Untersuchung zu stationären Wohnbereichen…  
Sonja Teupen 205. Andreas hohmann  
Research focus Relevance and implications of qualitative methodologies in health care research Qualitative research methods in health care research Professionalization research …  
Sonja Teupen 206. Nora Berner  
Journals Berner, N.; Hohmann, A.; Yilmaz, B.; Teupen, S. (2024): Experience of Younger-Onset Dementia Stigma: Protocol for a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study Based on Qualitative Episodic…  
207. Video interview with scientist Bernhard Michalowsky  
Video interview: PD Dr. Bernhard Michalowsky on long-term results of Dementia Care Management The DZNE trains specialists to help care for people with dementia. Thanks to their experience and…  
Jan Gründemann 208. Curriculum Vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2011 PhD thesis, University College London, London, United Kingdom 2006 Diploma, Human Biology, Marburg, Germany …  
Jan Gründemann 209. Group members  
Group members Title Name Position/Activities Contact   Nancy El Deiry Office Assistant +49 228 43302-684  …  
Martina Roes 210. Simone Felding  
Felding, S. A., & Schwennesen, N. (2019). Digital Meeting Places: Creating Intimate and Safe Connections with Digital Means. Paper presented at The Digitally Engaged Patient, Copenhagen,…  
Search results 201 until 210 of 1585

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