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1585 results:
1301. DZNE researcher receives world’s top Brain Prize  
Together with three other neuroscientists Christian Haass, speaker of the DZNE Munich site, receives the world’s most valuable prize for brain research. Researcher at the…  
1302. New Impetus for Research on Rare Neurological Disorders  
The science minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg Theresia Bauer and Bärbel Brumme-Bothe, head of the department for life sciences at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research have given the…  
1303. Andrea Kühn  
Andrea Kühn +49 30 450 560123 Movement disorders (Parkinson's disease, dystonia)  
1304. Laboratory Study Shows that Father’s Age Can Affect Offspring Lifespan  
How does the father’s age at conception affect his children? DZNE researchers have studied this question in mice, finding ageing-associated epigenetic changes that seem to be transferable from one…  
1305. Insights into the Infancy of Neurons  
In two studies, Gaia Tavosanis and fellow researchers at the DZNE have looked on mechanisms governing growth of neurons in fruit flies. New findings on the role of nutrition and lipid…  
1306. Annika Spottke  
Annika Spottke +49 228 43302-820 Clinical Research Platform - CRP  
1307. Regina Feederle  
Regina Feederle +49 89 3187-1360 Monoclonal Antibodies  
Regina Feederle 1308. Feederle  
1309. Bonn Member of Parliament Ulrich Kelber visits the DZNE  
Ulrich Kelber (MdB) visited the DZNE in Bonn and got informed about the translational research of the center. On January 25th Ulrich Kelber visited the DZNE on the Venusberg in Bonn. He is a member…  
1310. Oliver Peters  
Oliver Peters +49 30 450517-628 Biomarker-assisted early detection of dementias  
Search results 1301 until 1310 of 1585

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