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1585 results:
Martina Roes 211. Jonathan Serbser  
Roes M, Serbser J, Dreyer J, Panke-Kochinke B. Managing ongoing consent in research with people living with dementia. 21st IAAG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, USA,…  
Martina Roes 212. Beliz Budak  
Research focus Active Assistive Living (AAL) technologies in the care of people with dementia AAL’s impact on loneliness in people with dementia living in long-term care Factors impacting…  
Martina Roes 213. Sonja Teupen  
Purwins, D, Reuther S, Gioti I, Schön S, Teupen S, Roes M (2019) Zwei Welten, ein verbindendes Konzept: Auf dem Weg zu einer translationalen Zusammenarbeit von Praxis und Forschung. Postervortrag…  
Martina Roes 214. Martin Berwig  
Lessing, S., Deck, R., Berwig, M. (2022). Telefonische Nachsorgegruppen für pflegende Angehörige von Menschen mit Demenz – Ergebnisse der qualitativen Evaluation des Projekts Redezeit-REHA.…  
Martina Roes 215. Christina Manietta  
Manietta C, Purwins D, Reinhard A, Feige M, Knecht C, Alpers B, Roes M. Contextualizing the results of an integrative review on the characteristics of dementia-friendly hospitals: a workshop with…  
Martina Roes 216. Daniela Templin  
Journals Oral presentations and posters Books and book chapters Research focus Qualitative methods, interpretative social research Sociology of space Sociology of knowledge Life-world…  
Bernhard Holle 217. Jonas Dörner  
Research focus Interventionsforschung zur Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz Psychometrische Instrumententestung Schlafprobleme Projects MoNoPol-Sleep: Multi-modal,…  
218. Alumni Network  
Alumni network In order to inform about ongoing activities at the DZNE and to build a network of DZNE alumni, we aim to establish a contact and career network for former scientists. As a long term…  
219. Welcome Office  
Contact Daniela Brechter Welcome Office Welcome Office We at the DZNE Welcome Office want to help you to get the best possible start at the DZNE. We are pleased in helping you to…  
220. Postdocs at the DZNE  
With the 1.5-year development program, the DZNE aims to specifically prepare outstanding postdocs, who are ideally in the first three years after their PhD, for an academic career. The program…  
Search results 211 until 220 of 1585

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