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1585 results:
531. BonSEP  
DZNE Universitätsklinikum Bonn - Klinik für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen und Gerontopsychiatrie Prof. Dr. Michael Heneka Universitätsklinikum Bonn - Klinik und Poliklinik für…  
532. AMBLIND  
back to overview in cooperation with AMBLIND General To investigate the causes and consequences of aphantasia, aphantasists as well as unaffected control subjects are recruited. Background and…  
533. ALS-FTD Cognition  
back to overview ALS-FTD-Cognition Background and aims Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia are two diseases caused by progressive loss of nerve cells in the brain…  
534. 7T-TGA  
back to overview 7T-TGA - High-resolution MRI imaging in TGA patients: a retrospective and prospective study Background and aims In transient global amnesia (TGA), the patients affected suffer…  
535. Fats influence the speed of aging  
Fats influence the speed of aging Researchers at DZNE discovered that certain fatty substances are related to how fast humans are aging. To do so, they used a new high-tech examination method -…  
536. Munich Neuroscientist Receives Around 1.5 Million Euros for Research into ALS and FTD  
European Research Council awards “Starting Grant” to Dr. Qihui Zhou. European Research Council awards “Starting Grant” to Dr. Qihui Zhou Munich/Germany, October 4, 2023. Dr. Qihui Zhou, a…  
Marina Boccardi 537. Curriculum vitae  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2002-2006 PhD in Neuroscience, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland 1990-1995 Degree in Experimental Psychology/Psychobiology,…  
538. CV  
Curriculum Vitae Degrees 2002-2006 PhD in Neuroscience, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland 1990-1995 Degree in Experimental Psychology/Psychobiology,…  
539. The goal must be to prevent the onset of dementia symptoms  
How do these agents work? They are synthetic antibodies that so far need to be administered by infusion. They enter the brain via the bloodstream and bind to amyloid. This molecular labeling has…  
540. Breakthrough Prize 2024  
Dies Video kann in Ihrem Browser nicht wiedergegeben werden. Eine Download-Version steht unter …  
Search results 531 until 540 of 1585

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