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1585 results:
1161. Francesco Roselli  
Francesco Roselli +49 731 50063147 Metabolic Changes in Neurodegeneration  
1162. A good blood supply is good for memory  
Memory performance and other cognitive abilities benefit from a good blood supply to the brain. DZNE researchers report on this in the journal “BRAIN”. Joint Press Release by the German Center…  
1163. AFI-Grants  
AFI-Grants for Dr. Alejandro Ivan Ruiz-Riquelme, Dr. Kristin Oberländer and Prof. Gerd Kempermann Three DZNE researchers have received funding from the non-profit Alzheimer Forschung Initiative…  
1164. Music & Brain: Save the Date  
Music & Brain: Save the Date We are pleased to announce the current dates of the DZNE event series "Music & Brain". Information about the program will be announced in time in the email…  
1165. Prof. Stefanie Schreiber awarded Christa-Lorenz-ALS-Forschungspreis  
Prof. Stefanie Schreiber awarded Christa-Lorenz-ALS-Forschungspreis Prof. Stefanie Schreiber, group leader at the DZNE Magdeburg and senior neurologist at the University Department of Neurology…  
1166. 2nd Dresden DZG Symposium  
2nd Dresden DZG Symposium Fighting common diseases together: Clinically oriented research on diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases at the 2nd joint DZG symposium in Dresden Diabetes,…  
1167. Dragomir Milovanovic  
Dragomir Milovanovic +49 30 450 539-833 Molecular Neuroscience  
Dragomir Milovanovic 1168. Milovanovic  
1169. Is physical fitness good for the head?  
DZNE researchers find connection between cardiorespiratory performance and brain size. German researchers find connection between cardiorespiratory performance and brain size Greifswald/Germany,…  
1170. 1.7 million euros for an Alzheimer's researcher from Bonn  
Neuroscientist Dr. Martin Fuhrmann from the DZNE has been awarded a "Consolidator Grant" from the European Research Council (ERC). EU funds top research at the German Center for Neurodegenerative…  
Search results 1161 until 1170 of 1585

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