Curriculum Vitae
Abschlüße | |
1997-2001 | Doktor der Naturwisschenschaften, Universität Hamburg |
1993-1997 | Diplom, Biochemie, Universität Hamburg |
Wichtige vorherige Berufungen | |
since 2024 | Leiter der Abteilung Genome Engineering, DZNE, München |
2014-2024 | Forscher an der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Pädiatrische Nephrologie |
2002-2014 | Forscher am Max Delbrück Center Berlin, Neurobiologie |
1997-2001 | Promotion am Zentrum für molekulare Neurobiologie Hamburg |
Activities in the Scientific Community / Professional Memberships | |
since 2015 | External Expert for the ERC grant evaluations |
since 2011 | Member of SAB of Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim |
2006-2014 | Coordinator of EUCOMM, EUCOMMTOOLS |
Honors and Awards | |
since 2012 | Spokesperson of the GEnCode-program, POF III (“Programmorientierte Förderung”, Helmholtz Center Munich) |
2010-2014 | President of the International Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium (IKMC) |
since 2008 | Member of the International Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium (IKMC) |