Curriculum Vitae

2010 W3-Professor, University of Munich, Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research
2001 Board Certificate, Clinical Neurology
2000  Habilitation in Neurology
1994 – 2010 Residency in Clinical Neurology, University of Munich
1994 Post-Doctoral Research at CWR University, Cleveland, USA
1987– 1993 Medicine at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Major previous appointments
2011-2017 Coordinator, Clinical Research DZNE Munich
since 2010 Founding Director, Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, Klinikum der Universität München, Chair Dept. of Translational Stroke and  Dementia Research, Head, Interdisciplinary Stroke Center Munich, Klinikum der Universität München
since 2006 Professor of Neurology
Activities in the Scientific Community / Professional Memberships
since 2017 Research committee, World Stroke Organisation (WSO)
since 2016 President, German Stroke Society (DSG)
since 2015 Executive Committee, European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and Chair, ESO conferences 2016 and 2017
Honors and Awards
2017 Honorary Member of the Austrian Stroke Society (ÖSG)
2015 Honorary Member of the Societe Francaise de Neurologie (SFN)
2009 and 2012 Teaching Awards of the Medical Faculty, University of Munich
1997 and 1998 Fellow of the European Stroke Organization (FESO), the European Academy of Neurology (FEAN), and the American Heart Association (FAHA); Awards of the European Neurological Society (ENS)

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